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Scientific Name: Aulonocara Stuartgranti Maleri (Chidunga Rocks) 


Adult Size: 5-6"


Description: This is a beautiful imported German strain and commonly referred to as the Orange "Sunshine" Peacock. The males grow to have a striking blue face with an intense orange or yellow body (similar to the Sunshine Peacock). 


Temperament: Peaceful


Conspecific Temperament: Midly Aggressive


Tank Mate Compatibilty: Other Peacocks and HaplochromisCichlids of similar size as well as Plecos. Avoid Mbunas.


Please review Color & Sizing and Shipping information before placing order. The pictures are for reference only, not the exact fish for sale. 

Chidunga Rocks

PriceFrom $30.00
Out of Stock

Please review all information before placing order. Please contact us at with any questions.

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